Empowering people, transforming communities

Strategic Objectives


People are free from hunger

Every child is protected

People enjoy the right to education

People exercise their right to health


People live in sustainable environment


People build inclusive and democratic communities


People achieve economic empowerment through solidarity and cooperation


People are protected from disasters

Who We are

Good Neighbors International

Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian development NGO founded in Korea in 1991 to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony. The first community development project in Bangladesh was launched in 1992 and currently Good Neighbors is working in 192 communities in 40 countries with our focus on inclusive community development approach and child protection.

Good Neighbors Kenya

Kenya Good Neighbors was founded in December 1995. It was the first field office in Africa for international relief and development programs including vocational training at Jirani Centre, health clinic, community dam construction, school construction in the biggest slum area and remote area as well. We implement Community Development Projects by supporting the stable and self-sufficient development of a community through project focused on education, health, water and sanitation and income generation in 6 communities. Also we run advocacy programs to protect the human rights, especially of the child, and implement humanitarian projects for refugees with UNHCR.


Good neighbors exist to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony. Good neighbors respect the human rights of our neighbors suffering from poverty, disaster and oppression, and help them to achieve self-reliance and enable them to rebuild their hope.


We promote and implement sustainable community development programs geared towards enhancing self-reliance of the community and safeguard and advocate for child rights.


To achieve this vision, we will pursue core values below.


We will adhere to existing, and participate in enhancement of current and creation of new policies and procedures in order to achieve accountability.


We will exercise professionalism by orienting ourselves to achieve KGN’s purpose and safeguard our children’s rights.

We will enhance our professionalism by individually building our capacity.



In pursuance of efficiency, we will periodically develop a work plan beneficial to providing prompt and timely services.

Further, we will embrace and adapt to all technology adopted by Kenya Good Neighbors from other organizations or introduced by Kenya Good Neighbors.



For the sake of promoting trust we will work harmoniously and with sincerity with our colleagues and ensure constant transparent communication with all stakeholders and beneficiaries.

Our Partners

Good Neighbors is cooperating with our partners to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony. With various partnership, Good Neighbors has improved effectiveness and expertise of programs in the field countries.

Current News

MNH training

Strengthening Health Systems for Better Maternal and Newborn Care in Kajiado County

14th October 2024

In a significant move towards improving maternal and newborn health outcomes, the Maternal and Newborn Healthcare Program, led by the Program Director (MNH), conducted a crucial refresher training for Community Health Promoters (CHPs) in Masimba, Kajiado County.

The training focused on reinforcing key skills and knowledge essential for enhancing maternal and newborn health at the community level. This initiative is expected to have a significant impact on the health outcomes of mothers and newborns in Kajiado County.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants, trainers, and supporters who made this event possible.

Emergency Relief for Non-Food Items

14th October 2024

Kenya Good Neighbors (KGN) remains committed to serving the communities affected by the March-May catastrophe as well as any future disasters that may arise. Mukuru one of the slums in Nairobi was intensely affected by the recent floods and many of the households were left without essential commodities such as shelter and food. Most of the school items for the children including books and uniforms were destroyed. After conducting a need assessment in the Mukuru area, Kenya Good Neighbors provided food to 230 sponsored and non-sponsored families worth Ksh 1,465,100 in June 2024. On 7th and 8th October 2024 KGN supported 230 of the same families with, school bags, school shoes, mattresses, blankets, mosquito nets, and school stationeries worth Ksh 2,460,971.60.

Desks donation

4th October 2024

School infrastructure is one of the many aspects that affect learners’ academic performance. A well-equipped school fosters a concentration-focused learning environment that helps learners realize their greatest potential. On 27th September 2024 Kenya Good Neighbors donated 315 two-seater desks to six partner schools in Siaya County- Rarieda CDP. The teachers, board members, and parents from respective schools expressed their gratitude for this contribution. The teachers said that this will create comfort and proper book storage while lessons are on session. Teachers will also find it easy to control learners during the lesson because they are properly and adequately spaced. It will also make it easy for the teachers to train on handwriting and general class management.   

School Feeding Program

27th September 2024

In most parts of the Country, most school-going children go to school on an empty stomach, which weighs heavily on their concentration and ability to learn.

School feeding programs can help to address many of these challenges. This is a game changer that improves the children’s education, health, and nutrition. Kenya Good Neighbors endeavors to guarantee quality education to underprivileged children through feeding programs and material support and improving the condition of facilities to provide a conducive learning environment for the children.

On the 24th and 25th September 2024, Kenya Good Neighbors supported 19 schools in rural areas with food for lunch feeding program worth Ksh 11,537,135. Parents and teachers underscored the importance of the feeding program in school, stating that absenteeism will be reduced immensely hence improving performance.

Emergency Relief Food Donations

Good Neighbors respect the human rights of our neighbors suffering from poverty, disaster and oppression, and help them to achieve self-reliance and enable them to rebuild their hope.

Kenya Good Neighbors mapped, identified, and gathered data from 8 areas in  Mukuru that had experienced flooding and home demolitions.  Over 230 families benefited with 24kg bale of maize flour, 10kg of Nyayo beans, 5 litres of cooking oil, and 10kg Wimbi porridge flour worth 1,465,100. The board of Directors Chairperson, Kenya Good Neighbors Country Director and area chief were in attendance to preside over the distribution.

UN Civil Society Conference

Kenya Good Neighbors, in collaboration with Kenyatta University, particularly the Department of Environmental Studies and Community Development in the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, hosted the 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference summit titled “Speak up! Youth Voices for the Future”, which took place on 9th -10th May, at Kenyatta University grounds. The event aimed at gathering youth representatives from around the world who are co-creating the future agenda with Good Neighbors, alongside the UN Civil Society Conference.

Benchmarking on climate change mitigation

Urban forests are recognized for both their environmental and socioeconomic benefits to cities and urban areas across the globe. From an environmental point of view, trees and forests in urban areas contribute to carbon dioxide sequestration, air quality control, noise reduction, urban hydrology, and regulation of both land surface and air temperatures. Similarly, urban forests and other green spaces within urban areas have been linked to the general quality of life of urban populations. Kenya Good Neighbors is working in collaboration with a community group in Korogocho slum, Children’s home and two urban schools to address the issue of climate change and environment conservation. On 5th April 2024 Kenya Good Neighbors took the community group members and school environment club… 

food donation

Food donation in Turkana

Good Neighbors work around the world where there is a need without any discrimination. We exist to make a world without hunger, where people live together in harmony. On March 8, 2024, Kenya Good Neighbors, in partnership with County Officials from the Ministry of Health of Turkana Central Sub-County, flagged off relief food (maize flour and cooking oil) worth Ksh12,247,130 that targeted 4,600 households that are severely affected by the drought in the County. Kenya Good Neighbors will continue to support vulnerable communities in the areas most affected by drought, such as Turkana, in partnership with other partners.



Fraud Alert

Kenya Good Neighbors wishes to draw the attention of the public and our beneficiaries to be aware of fraudsters making requests for payment for their children to be enrolled in our programs.

Kenya Good Neighbors DOES NOT demand payment for any of it’s services.