In line with Good Neighbors vision 2030 and Sustainable development goals, Kenya Good Neighbors Social Economy department work to improve household income in a sustainable way by empowering small and medium enterprises in a holistic and systematic way.
Community empowerment and sustainability is critical in any community development project in the community. Considering KGN target beneficiaries who are vulnerable in the community, KGN has put community empowerment into consideration and has been working through the grouping of the sponsored parents which forms at least 70% of the total membership of groups and 30% of the non-sponsored parents.
Through these groups, KGN capacity builds them on:
- Financial literacy
- Market survey and research
- Income generation framework and policy
- Business plan development
- Saving policy development
- Credit policy development
- Governance (for group officials)
After journeying with the groups, they are then encouraged to register as a Sacco or cooperative as an upscale to be able to have more members and encouraged to practices some of skills gained during the trainings. Through the Sacco or cooperatives, they are able to save and acquire credit. KGN also work with local partners to empower business capacity of the community by introducing diverse economic initiatives. They participate through a social and solidarity economy characterized by cooperatives and social enterprises in order to enhance economic rights, ownership, and sustainable growth.
To be able to serve the groups/cooperatives and Saccos better, KGN registered Wezesha Jirani Sacco as the umbrella Sacco. Through Wezesha Jirani Sacco, member Saccos and cooperatives will be able to be supported/funded to be able to start/expand their current businesses.
Wezesha Majirani Savings and Credit cooperative ltd
To strengthen the already established cooperatives and Saccos at the community level, GNK established an Umbrella Sacco which is called the Wezesha Majirani Sacco.
Wezesha majirani is the Apex Sacco for the community Saccos within our project offices that is in Mukuru, Dandora, Korogocho, Kisii, Transmara, Bissil and Rarieda
Roles of Wezesha Majirani Sacco
1. Provide Standard Measures of quality for the project Societies
2. To Provide financial Support for Project Societies.
3. To promote the organization and development of viable Saccos.
4. To promote among Saccos and their officials and members a common code of ethics
based on cooperative principles.
5. To disseminate information concerning Saccos and coordinate their operation methods
and practices and foster education and training of its members societies
Registered Saccos under Wezesha Majirani
Project Site |
Mukuru CDP | Somaland Sacco | 376members |
| Hamafuki Riders Sacco | 50members |
Korogocho | Koch Transformation Sacco | 115members |
Dandora | Towagada Sacco |
Ogembo | Riariote Sacco | 234members |
Meguarra | Meguarra Cereals | 320 members |
| Meguarra Ereto G5 Sacco | 120 members |
| Noolmongi Livestock Traders |